Message from the Founder
Dear Applicant, I am proud of you for your interest in this unique opportunity. This
is an important moment in time for you to join with other student leaders and explore
the foundations of America and a course for your future.
Our country faces many challenges, both nationally and internationally. With America's leadership marshaling the best of our human and technological resources, you will play a vital role. The Youth Citizenship Seminar (YCS) at Pepperdine University is your opportunity to interact with outstanding and motivational leaders and to discuss the problems and progress of our nation, and the world.
Our country's survival depends upon how you, as tomorrow's leaders, embrace the challenge. YCS is an exclusive opportunity designed to better prepare you for your journey as one of the future leaders of America.
This five-day program will enhance your potential as a leader and increase your dedication as an informed citizen of the United States of America. It will ask you to dream big, to dream the impossible dream, and help you understand how to turn your dreams into reality. YCS is one of my ongoing dreams and I look forward to sharing the experience with you.
I believe in you!
Charles B. Runnels
Chancellor Emeritus; Pepperdine University
YCS was founded by the late Pepperdine Chancellor, Charles B. Runnels. His legacy of selfless dedication to the youth of America will be carried on, with honor and pride, by the staff, counselors, and speakers of YCS.