Harbor 2024: Now Hiring
We're so excited about Harbor 2025, the 82nd Annual Pepperdine Bible Lectures!
Each summer right after the Spring semester, thousands of visitors come to Pepperdine from all over the world for 4 God-focused, soul-lifting days of programs and fellowship. For it to go smoothly, we rely on the hard work and dedication of our student staff!
This couldn't happen without you!
May 6-May 9, 2025
with extra hours as early as Thursday, May 1!
Applications due: Friday, March 16, 2025
On-Campus Housing and Residence Life
Housing is available on campus beginning Sunday, May 4, for those who need it.
(Harbor attendees are housed in the freshmen Residence Halls, George Page Apts., Lovernich Apts., and Drescher.)
If you already live in the residence halls, you will stay in your current on-campus housing until Sunday, May 4, and then move into your Harbor housing. HRL will notify you of exactly when that move will take place on Sunday. Your ID card will provide you with access to both your former room and your new room while you make the transfer. Note: Church Relations will cover the $50 charge to your account from HRL for staying in your room until the switch.
Keep in mind that other students will be moving out while you are moving into their space. Please be patient and helpful.
- We will NOT have a place for you to store your belongings from your dorm or apartment if you don't want to move it to your Harbor location.
- If you cannot work Harbor, we cannot house you. If you plan to register to attend Harbor (instead of working) and stay in the guest housing, move-in begins on Tuesday, May 6, at 3 PM.
- If you are abroad or do not live on-campus currently, you may need to find temporary housing with friends/family until Sunday, May 4
If you are attending Summer Session 1, you will move into your summer school housing on Sunday, May 11. You cannot move into your summer school housing until this time. HRL will coordinate details with you.
Meals Provided
The following meals will be provided for you during Harbor:
- Sunday dinner (come-and-go pizza & salad) 6 PM at the picnic area/volleyball court by Miller (Res Hall 15)
- Monday breakfast (at the mandatory student training, 8:30 AM in Hahn Fireside Room)
- Monday lunch 11:30 AM-2 PM (TBD)
- Tuesday dinner through Friday dinner (using your staff meal ticket at Waves Buffet)
- Hours for Waves Cafe: 6:30-8 AM / 12-1:30 PM / 5-6:30 PM (Tuesday-Friday)
- Saturday lunch (mandatory wrap-up in Amphitheatre at 11 AM)
Other than these, you will be responsible for your own meals.
Employment Rates
Work officially begins Monday, May 5, at 8 AM.
You will be responsible for maintaining your own timesheet in Kronos. (Student Employment can help if you haven't used Kronos before.)
We cannot hire you if:
- You are planning on attending an IP program that would require travel prior to the evening of May 10. Listed below are start dates for some of the programs that may be in conflict with you being able to work Harbor.
- London (starts May 8) | Switzerland (starts May 7) | Madrid (starts May 4) | Japan (starts May 5) |
- You cannot work the full week of May 5 - May 10
- You have another job that week and can't fulfill your responsibilities with this one.
You cannot work more than one 40-hour Pepperdine job during this time! Students who work for Bon Appetit or Follett Bookstore are exempt from this. The reason for this is: Since you will work approx. 40 hours/week for Harbor, any other Pepperdine-paying jobs would kick you into overtime that your other employer would be expected to pay.
If Student Employment does not have an I-9 on file for you, please contact them at (310) 506-4177 or student.employment@pepperdine.edu.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour. Transit drivers' rate is $18.49/hour.
- Overtime occurs occasionally, with approval by Church Relations staff members.
- Be prepared to work 40 hours/week, although there is no guarantee each position will reach that limit. See each of the division details for more specifics.
You may not leave the campus earlier than 1 PM on Saturday, May 10, so make any flight arrangements accordingly.
Positions Available
Read these carefully and pick your TOP THREE for the application.
You would be assisting Pepperdine's A/V staff with sound and projection, as well as recording and attendance, in assigned locations. You must have some general knowledge of tech setup as well as how to operate PowerPoint and feel comfortable working with tech equipment. Training will be provided, but the more knowledge you have, the better. (This position may be combined with Classroom Services)
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
You would be responsible for checking classroom quality throughout the day, prepping and storing the recording devices and instruction sheets for each class, assisting speakers as needed, and counting attendance. Friendly workers who are comfortable with technology are needed. Other duties will include helping with guest housing Tuesday check-in and Saturday check-out. (This position may be combined with Audio/Visual Technologies)
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
Under the direction of the Producer and technical crew, you would be assisting with projection, sound, cord wrangling, and other odd jobs as needed during the morning sessions, as well as morning and evening keynotes. Workers need to be reliable and take instruction well. Knowledge of ProPresenter preferred. (This position may be combined with Recording Upload.)
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
HOUSING (job begins Saturday, May 3)
You will be working directly with guests staying on campus, handling any issues they may have related to their housing assignment. Tasks range from lowering beds to moving someone to a different location. Friendly, hardworking students who can juggle multiple jobs with a pleasant demeanor are vital to this role since you will be cross-trained to assist in Lecture Central as needed. Heavy lifting required. This job officially begins Saturday, April 27, overseeing the bed lowering in halls.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
You will serve as the "front desk" for guests and speakers during the week, assisting with last-minute registrations, answering phones, handling housing issues, and more. This role is for those who shine in a fast-paced, customer-oriented environment where quick thinking, going above and beyond are routine. Strong knowledge of Harbor and its registration system are helpful. These students typically already work for Church Relations during the school year, but it is not a requirement.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
You will serve as operator for the video switcher used for the online web livestream of Harbor keynotes in the Fieldhouse. Previous experience preferred. Hours are minimal, so you would also serve in a second area. (This position may be combined with Recording Upload.)
Pay rate is $16.90/hour.
Directed by Brian Heninger, the Making Waves Children's Program is a Vacation Bible School-style program for children from 3 to 11 years of age. During the morning and evening sessions, children rotate through different stations where they enjoy games, crafts, snacks and Bible stories. You would be responsible for interacting with the children by leading them through the different stations as a crew leader, station leader, or song leader. It's more than babysitting, you will have the opportunity to have just as much fun as the children by getting involved with their activities. So, if you love being silly with the kids, this job is for you. The curriculum will already be prepared by the director. All the materials needed for crafts, games, snacks, etc. will be ready for you as well. A mandatory one-hour Protection of Minors training will be scheduled prior to the event.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
You would be responsible for selling meal tickets, tallying sales at all meal times in the Waves Cafe as well as direct guests to and taking counts for special meal programs. Interaction with guests occurs on a daily basis, so we need friendly, responsible workers who are good with numbers.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
You would be responsible for collecting the SD cards of class recordings from Lecture Central daily for upload to iTunes U. Access to a personal Mac laptop is helpful. (This position may be combined with Keynote Production or Livestream.)
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
Under the direction of Pepperdine's social media director, you would provide content to Harbor's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, attending sessions and uploading photos and info. Tech-savvy, self-motivated, and responsible individuals with a strong knowledge of Harbor are vital.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
Van and shuttle drivers are responsible for safely transporting our guests around campus. These drivers are usually friendly and loved by our guests who get to know them well. Those who are accepted for driving will be required to attend a scheduled Safe Driver Training session with Pepperdine's Insurance and Risk office, as well as pass a drug test and a driving record background check, prior to the week. Pay rate is $18.49/hour.
- Regular vans only need a standard driver's license.
You would be responsible for setting up classrooms and the Fieldhouse, directing and greeting attendees in various locations. We need hard working, friendly students, who can take initiative and work "above and beyond." Heavy lifting is required.
Pay rate is $17.28/hour.
Required Training
Making Waves Children's Program: Protection of Minors session with Human Resources, scheduled by Church Relations.
Van/shuttle driving: Safe Driver Training session with Pepperdine's Insurance and Risk office, as well as Transit Services.
All-student orientation: Monday, May 5 at 8:30 AM (breakfast provided).
Saturday, May 10: Lunch at 11, after the campus is mostly back in order. Some may still have a few elements to wrap up. You may not leave until after this.
Applications are due Friday, March 16th.
Once applications are in, Church Relations staff will begin the hiring process. Students who have worked Harbor the previous year are given preference.
Notification emails will be sent out toward the end of March, notifying each student if they were hired and, if hired, what division they will be working.
If you need to withdraw your application for any reason, please contact the Office of Church Relations at church.relations@pepperdine.edu.
Harbor Staff
Office of Church Relations
Third floor, Thorton Administrative Center (TAC)
(310) 506-4270
Harbor Staff
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Mike Cope Director of Harbor and Ministry Outreach |
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Rachel Higgins Program Coordinator of Youth Leadership Initiative |
For info about this year's theme, "Your Kingdom Come" visit pepperdine.edu/harbor.