Next Gen Preacher Search FAQs
Explore the Program
Who can submit a video?
Any high school junior, senior or undergraduate college student (16-22 years old).
What does it cost to enter the Search?
There is no cost to enter the search. If you are chosen as a semifinalist, you would be responsible for your transportation to the training conference. All expenses at the conference, including lodging and food, are covered.
When are the preaching video submissions due?
Submissions must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and the link submitted in the application by October 15. Please note that you release all rights to your presentation when you submit it.
What does my preaching video need to be about?
You can preach on whatever Bible passage you choose but do focus your time on sharing the message of your text.
On what will my video be evaluated?
Each student's video will be evaluated in four areas: Content, Creativity, Clarity and Passion. Content refers to the way you handle the Biblical text you choose and the organization of your material. Creativity speaks to how you use your creative gifts to make the message memorable and engaging. Clarity is about how clearly the listeners can get your main point of your message. Passion is all about the energy and heart that is evident in the way you share your message. You will also receive a score for the number of times their sermon video was viewed by others, so encourage your friends and family to watch your submission.
When will I find out if I am a semifinalist?
All participants will receive an email notification by December 1. The finalists' names will also be published on the NGPS website and Facebook Page.
When will special training seminars be held for the semi-finalists?
Semi-finalists will be invited to a two-day training seminar February 9-Feburary 10, 2024 at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. All expenses for the students will be covered except their transportation to the event.