CrossWays Application: Parts 2 and 3 If you have not yet completed Part 1 of the CrossWays application, please start from the beginning. Part 2: Essay Response After watching the "Walking in the Way of the Cross" video write a 300-500 word essay on how service and sacrifice shape your life as a Christian. What does it mean to take up the cross and follow Jesus? 500 words remaining Part 3: Video Statement Submit a one-minute video introducing yourself and explaining why you would like to attend CrossWays. You can record the video on a camera or cell phone, then post your video statement to either YouTube or Vimeo. Copy and paste your video link here. YouTube or Vimeo only–do not email your video statement. Note: ensure that the privacy settings to your video are set to public. If you would prefer to protect your video with a password, please enter the password below. General Data Protection Regulation Pepperdine's communication and GDPR Privacy Notice.Yes, I agree reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.