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Pepperdine University

TED Talks


Attending to your physical well-being is key! Three central aspects to physical well-being are sleep, exercise, and healthy eating.



Having social support is key to resilience! Social support can include people in your life that you can hang out with or call if you need something like a ride to the doctor, but it can also include people who know how you feel and how you are doing.



Our thoughts make a huge difference in our ability to be resilient. Three ways to positively shift our thinking can include expecting life to have challenges, adopting a growth mindset, and changing irrational/unhelpful thoughts.



There are a number of ways in which seeing life through a lens of faith helps a person be resilient. Those with a faith perspective believe that God is with them.


Life Skills

People without the life skills of financial management, time management, and technology discernment add more stress and unnecessary obstacles and road blocks on life's journey.




Some people might be surprised to learn that service helps with resilience.  This includes helping others and contributing to the lives of others interpersonally, locally, or globally.



Resilience in General

Resilience is the ability to move through both expected and unexpected adversity. You may grow, change, and be stretched in the process.