What does being one of Pepperdine's 40 under 40 honorees mean to you?
This recognition affirms that growth and achievement are created by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Hard work alone is no longer enough to create value in today's world. Now it's about pushing yourself beyond your own limits and doing the things that intimidate you in order to live a life filled with happiness and success.
Describe your success:
My success comes from living every day with a focused, passionate, and uplifting attitude, and being in a position where I can positively impact the greater good and deeply contribute to the lives of those around me.
How does Pepperdine play into your success?
When I started my EMBA, I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous and unsure of
what the next two years would mean. From that starting point, I managed to graduate
with honors and deliver the 2014 commencement address to over 4,000 people. That experience
forced me to realize that each of us are confined by the limits that we have placed
on ourselves. When you break through these limits, you are able to maximize your value
for yourself and for others.
Pepperdine has also exposed me to the foundational elements that are crucial for building
businesses—and more importantly—lifelong relationships. I choose to leverage that
education by sharing my knowledge and supporting others in their journey towards their
own success and personal growth so that we, collectively, will have a beneficial imprint
on society.
Who inspires you and why?
My father is my greatest inspiration. Like many first-generation immigrants, he never let his unpleasant predicament deter him from succeeding, though this isn't why he inspires me. What inspires me is his altruistic nature. He often says "to truly be successful, you must bring those around you to your level of success." I have witnessed that first hand by seeing how tirelessly he's worked to provide a comfortable life for both his family and close friends to share, without asking for any acknowledgment. His actions spoke even louder than his words. Because of him, I am that person today who continually strives to inspire those around me to achieve and share in that success.
What's next for you? What's your five year outlook? What's your ten year plan?
I plan to remain focused on creating value for myself and for others. It's tough to predict where life will take me in the next 5 to 10 years, but my intention and desire is to live a balanced life with a happy attitude and drive positive results in every way possible, no matter where I am or what I am doing.
What's your secret sauce?
Surrounding myself with people who possess a growth mindset.
How do you prepare for a busy day?
I start everyday with gratitude and then go right into planning and execution. Every day I focus on five priorities that I set for myself on a weekly basis, which are driven by monthly and annual goals that I aim to achieve. I have found that by reverse-engineering my future and beginning with the end, I am capable of handling any challenge that I might be faced with on a daily basis.
What is one of your hobbies?
I love being outdoors. From hiking 30 miles through the Pacific Northwest, to sailing in Newport Harbor, being in nature gives me clarity and peace.
What is your favorite quote?
In order to achieve the things that you want in life, you have to leave your comfort
zone. Everything you desire is out of your comfort zone. If it wasn't, you would already
have it.
Embrace the discomfort. Learn to be COMFORTABLE with being UNCOMFORTABLE.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I wouldn't mind being a Sommelier.