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University Committees Chaired by the Provost

For descriptions of all major University committees and how to contact them, please see the University Committees Web site.

Deans' Council

The Deans' Council is a university-level committee, composed of the deans of the six schools, the dean of libraries, and the vice provost for academic administration. This group, chaired by the provost, meets monthly to discuss areas of critical concern to the academic community.

University Academic Council

This council is the chief policy-making body for academic procedures, policies, and requirements in the schools. It reviews proposals submitted by the academic council of a particular school for changes or additions to the curriculum, graduation requirements, and general academic policies.

It deals with the creation of new courses or deletion of old courses from the catalog, changes in general education requirements, creation of new majors or minors, and changes in requirements for a particular major or minor. It is principally responsible for addressing and recommending academic programs and policies to the president.

The provost, who is a nonvoting member except in the event of a tie, chairs this committee. Voting members are the deans (or dean representatives) of each of the five schools, one elected faculty representative from each school, the director of libraries, the dean of international programs, and the registrar.

University Grievance Committee

The function of this committee (with members elected annually from among the faculty of the five schools) is to provide a full opportunity for the resolution of grievances of faculty with tenure or probationary appointments concerning academic freedom, tenure, promotion, and other issues.

The provost does not chair this committee but designates an individual who is a non-member of the Grievance Committee to serve as Secretary to the Committee and to coordinate and be present at all hearing panels, providing assistance as needed and maintaining minutes and other official records of the proceedings.

University Housing Committee

This committee is chaired by the provost. In addition to the provost, it is comprised of the Vice President and General Counsel, a School of Law representative, a Seaver representative, the Seaver Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, the President of the Campus View Homeowners' Association.

The committee meets periodically to review all applications and make housing assignments to eligible faculty/staff applicants. Once a unit is assigned, the faculty or staff member works with Real Estate Operations to complete the mortgage loan process. (For more information regarding on-campus housing, please see the Faculty/Staff Housing page.)

University Planning Committee

The University Planning Committee is the body responsible for coordinating university-level assessment, planning, program review, and resource allocation processes. Its membership includes the president, the vice presidents, the provost (chair), the vice provost, each of the deans of the five schools, three faculty representatives, and other executives who manage key areas, such as the director of athletics and the dean of libraries. The UPC facilitates the annual process for considering tuition and housing rates; the annual budgeting process; reviewing the findings of academic and co-curricular program reviews; and articulating and monitoring strategic initiatives at the university level.

University Tenure Committee

This committee is chaired by the provost. It reviews the prepared tenure materials to see if all tenure candidates have been treated according to policy. The committee may ask the school tenure committee to provide additional materials as appropriate. It then votes on whether to accept the recommendations from the schools on the candidates. The provost takes the recommendations to the president for discussion and approval/disapproval. Those recommendations approved are presented by the provost to the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) of the Board of Regents and then later by the chair of the AAC to the full Board. (For a copy of the University Tenure Policy, please refer to the Policies and Documents page.)